Who is the Presentation Guild?

We support the presentation design and production profession, acknowledge the skills of presentation creators, and offer chances for members to grow their knowledge and abilities. The Guild is your doorway to a realm of assets, acknowledgment, and possibilities.

Explore the benefits and discover how they can elevate your status as a presentation professional, adding significant value to your expertise.


Engage in live educational and social events.

Collaborate with complementary organizations through partnerships.

Attend yearly annual meetings, open to all members.

Stay connected through regular communication via newsletters and social forums.

Access downloadable media and a knowledge base for valuable resources.


Benefit from measurable Presentation Industry Standards.

Pursue a certification program with Specialist and Expert levels, utilizing PowerPoint™ skills.

Showcase your work through various opportunities.

Participate in regular global State of the Industry surveys and reports.


Network with fellow professionals in the presentation community.

Collaborate in interest-based channels.

Explore job opportunities through our job exchange board.

Support and sponsor Presentation Summit conferences.

Volunteer and contribute to the growth of the presentation community.