I am really excited about the opportunity to use AI to help develop the concept and imagery for my submission. I wanted to develop a concept that was visually powerful in capturing the imagination of the viewer about the possibilities for accomplishment throughout the year. I wanted the vision statement to be concise, actionable, memorable, and inspirational.
I had an extensive conversation with ChatGPT about everything I wanted to convey in my design. I worked with ChatGPT over a couple of days to refine and combine ideas to coax out a great foundation from which I could work. Not everything ChatGPT suggested was used, but the suggestions did spark some creative ideas with which I toyed around until I reached my final concept. The alliteration of "Dream. Design. Deliver." suggested by ChatGPT really put a nice bow on the impact I wanted my statement to have.
I next moved over to Midjourney to develop the main imagery using some of ChatGPT's ideas. I spent a few hours refining prompts by eliminating and adding concepts. Once Midjourney produced an image that started along the path of where I was going, I continued to refine the prompts for variations of that particular image.
Once I was decided on the image, I began the work of designing the slide. I created about 8-10 different layouts, font options and font pairing experiments, font treatments/effects (in some cases, stacking them). I used a combination of PowerPoint tools such as shapes, point editing, shape and image intersection, and image effects.
This was a really fun piece to pull together. The collaboration between ChatGPT and Midjourney, along with my direction and layout and design experimentation, combined to produce this piece I am proud to share. Thank you!